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Stevania Music Ministries Returns To #MusicLov3rz August!

Originally from ZAMBIA, currently Residing in AUSTRALIA. The song "I LOVE YOU" was given to me as an inspiration from the Holy Spirit, the song came to me during my trial time. There are times in life when we feel like we have not given more of us to God and what he wants to do with us, l was at this point of time in life when the song came to my Spirit, it's like there's a conflict between the flesh and the Spirit (Holy Spirit), at this point of time, l was in denial feeling like I had failed God in many things by not following his will, direction and his commands, like the bible says "I was lost in my transgressions." There are times when we think that we're doing something that is pleasing to God, but in the usual Spiritual sense displeasing in the site of God. Sometimes when we're lost in pursuing our fleshly desires, and other things of this world, we loose focus on pursuing God and his righteousness. Many times, we only seek God's face when we're in trouble or in difficulties, asking and wanting something from God to give to us. It was at this point of time in my life when it all caught up with me, and I started weeping. Now that's conviction right there. It's like the Holy Spirit was weeping through me, convicting me of what I haven't been doing right and getting me right with God, bringing me back to the heart of "WORSHIP." There, l realized that I haven't been seeking God and spending time with God in his PRESENCE like l should, I realized I haven't LOVED God enough to follow him and do his will by following his commands, doing his will for the Kingdom Iike l have to. l felt l have failed God in many ways, despite the Love he has for me. In response to all of the above, that's when the song "l LOVE YOU" came to my SPIRIT, and I started singing and WORSHIPPING Him, giving back love to my first LOVE, and romancing with the LOVER of my soul, trying to catch up with his AGAPE LOVE. The deserts l have passed through, He has been there with me. The seas l have crossed, He has been there with me. The valleys of the shadow of death, l have passed, escaped and survived, He has been there with me to keep me safe. The mountains l have climbed and crossed, it is He, the Great l AM that has helped me. The wilderness of evil, vernomous snakes and scorpions, l have passed and survived, God has loved me enough to be with me through it all and give me victories. l was just reminiscing on all this, and continued weeping as the Holy Spirit continued weeping through me convicting me of not giving my all to my first LOVE, l continued singing "I LOVE YOU" in response to his love for me. HE IS THE MOUNTAIN MOVER AND I LOVE HIM, "JESUS" "MY FIRST LOVE " Visit Stevania and get all of her work for the Lord at:

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Get her song "I Love You" on

Check out Stevania's previous release "I Consecrate" as featured in #MusicLov3rz April!
Hear both songs in #MusicLov3rzRadio's 8:30PM EST rotation and throughout the day at 

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