"Exploring the New Dance Floor" has been a few months in the making. It started out as two separate tracks. I really wanted to do a Track that the "Club Kids" would hear, as I was a club kid myself in my younger years. I wanted to do a song that had been prayed over for them to enjoy. While this track does lack the heavy thought provoking messages, I feel it is a good track for the kids to enjoy moving to. God brought a great friend into my life (DJ_Overlay) and I asked if he wanted to collaborate. He graciously said yes. He brought his meticulous "Hey man, I think there is one note out of key here" perfectionism that really inspires me to stay on point. It is my sincere hope and prayer this song will reach the club kids and lead them to my website to here the word and just Dance!!!
https://music.apple.com/us/ album/exploring-the-new-dance- floor-feat-dj-overlay-ep/ 1467112365
https://noisetrade.com/ account/artistalbum/6ea0d152- ffc4-4805-9425-968701b1a102
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