Shaneen Lavette also writes, arranges, composes, and produces. Being a thriving Sarcoidosis survivor, she desires to bring awareness towards a cure. She also encourages other survivors who are rejected because of their outer appearance to step out on faith and never give up on their dreams.
Shaneen Lavette began singing at home in her garage when she realized that she had a passion for singing. As time went on, she began writing music. Shaneen Lavette purchased her very own music and recording equipment that helped her to hone in on her musical gift to create and write melodies from her heart. She initially began writing secular music. However, as God would have it, her niche changed from secular to Contemporary Christian / Gospel, and Inspirational music. As time progressed, Shaneen Lavette began recording sessions with her first studio engineer, David Sovereign.
However, the time had not yet arrived for her to produce a complete project. Suddenly, the dream and the passion for writing and singing again began to resonate within her spirit, when a dear friend, Broderick Rice was brought back into her life. Through reconnecting with Broderick, Shaneen Lavette was encouraged to step out on faith, and believe God for her healing, through music and laughter.
After realizing that God would use the diagnosis of Sarcoidosis for His glory, the time had come for Shaneen to continue the recording process again. God blessed her with a new studio engineer, David DeCuir (Renowned International Gospel Recording Artist & Producer, Freda Mitchell’s composer, music producer, and studio engineer).
Both David Decuir of Decuir Music Group & Freda Mitchell of Freda Mitchell Productions encouraged Shanene Lavette to produce her very own project. Shaneen’s collaboration with David and Freda has culminated in releasing her first Award-Winning Contemporary Christian / Gospel EP, Imagine (with over 680,000 digital plays). Soon after, Shaneen Lavette released Imagine “The Remix,” a remix of her first CD, extended plays, and new mixes of the most loved songs.
Imagine “The Remix” is now available for streaming, instant MP3 download, CD, or album at:
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