Getting to know Emily Everage
I was born and raised in Norfolk, Virginia and my parents have pastored here for 32 years! My home church, Norfolk Apostolic Church, has been my home church and extended family my whole life. Growing up in church gave me many opportunities to be involved in kid’s choir, adult choir, and praise team and now I am the Lead Worship Leader. I have had many opportunities to sing at conferences, church camps, weddings and funerals. I love to sing! I love to worship! God has blessed me with vocal talent and it makes me happy to have His anointing on what I am doing in ministry.
Through the years many encouraging people have persuaded me to think about making a recording project but I never thought I would get to that point in my life without a big opportunity being laid in my lap. Then a close childhood friend passed away at a young age and it made me realize that life is too short to put off new ministry opportunities and taking a step of faith to fulfill a dream.
I thought that God would open some magical door and then I would do what He planted in my spirit. But I do not want to be like the servant in the Bible who buried their talent in the ground instead of the servant who multiplied their talent in the service of their master. My desire is to give God glory through my gift of song and I hope He uses me to reach people far and wide.
Music has the power to touch souls and I hope that when people listen to my music they can hear not only a beautiful song but can feel the beauty of a life that is dedicated to God’s anointing and calling.
Get Emily Everage's album "Still Have Joy" on
Amazon | Google Play | iTunes
I was born and raised in Norfolk, Virginia and my parents have pastored here for 32 years! My home church, Norfolk Apostolic Church, has been my home church and extended family my whole life. Growing up in church gave me many opportunities to be involved in kid’s choir, adult choir, and praise team and now I am the Lead Worship Leader. I have had many opportunities to sing at conferences, church camps, weddings and funerals. I love to sing! I love to worship! God has blessed me with vocal talent and it makes me happy to have His anointing on what I am doing in ministry.
Through the years many encouraging people have persuaded me to think about making a recording project but I never thought I would get to that point in my life without a big opportunity being laid in my lap. Then a close childhood friend passed away at a young age and it made me realize that life is too short to put off new ministry opportunities and taking a step of faith to fulfill a dream.
I thought that God would open some magical door and then I would do what He planted in my spirit. But I do not want to be like the servant in the Bible who buried their talent in the ground instead of the servant who multiplied their talent in the service of their master. My desire is to give God glory through my gift of song and I hope He uses me to reach people far and wide.
Music has the power to touch souls and I hope that when people listen to my music they can hear not only a beautiful song but can feel the beauty of a life that is dedicated to God’s anointing and calling.
Get Emily Everage's album "Still Have Joy" on
Amazon | Google Play | iTunes