Misericordias Domini "The mercies of the Lord, I will sing forever” (Psalm 88:2)
Agnese Sanna is an Italian multi-instrumentalist and composer. We originally featured her song "The Hero" in #LOV3RZ Magazine in 2015, and we have been following her journey to creating beautifully blessed compositions since. All of her work is absolutely breathtaking & inspirational. Agnese, a Sister in the Lord, creates beautiful melodies on many different instruments. True original works that are masterpieces. The beauty and joy that her music brings is like a little slice of heaven. You will feel her beautiful spirit through all of her work.
Read more about Agnese and her beautiful work, and stay connected for her release of Misericordias Domini on April 27th, 2018!
& you can also find her previous release "The Hero" which is available on Amazon
By Kellie Leigh in #LOV3RZ Magazine
60 pages, published 4/25/2018
Clean, Positive, Motivational, Inspirational Music from around the globe!