#MusicLov3rz Independent Music Community #LOV3RZ Monthly Magazine Currently Reaching 1 Million+ #MusicLov3rz Worldwide per month! Est. 2012.
KELVIN UZOMA is a Singer, Songwriter, Recording Artiste, Industrial Chemist and Worship Leader in Renaissance Assembly...This is what he has to say about his new music video...
KELVIN UZOMA is a Singer, Songwriter, Recording Artiste, Industrial Chemist and Worship Leader in Renaissance Assembly...This is what he has to say about his new music video...
"This is my first ever official music video for one of my lead singles titled "LOVE & GRACE"...This is simply the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ unfolded visually to us...
Let your hearts be awakened as you embrace the Love and Grace of Jesus which He has so lavishly poured on us...just as I have tasted and seen His love and Grace, nowI humbly share my experience with you... I know this will bless you greatly...watch and share...God bless you."
Watch, Listen, Share & Be refreshed...This is my first official music video ever and it is for the song"LOVE & GRACE"by KELVIN UZOMA...
If you are an independent artist who makes clean music with a positive message and want to be featured in an upcoming edition of #LOV3RZ Magazine, please email your bio, social links & 2 MP3's to featuremeinyourmag@gmail.com
Kellie Leigh
Founder, #LOV3RZ Worldwide