A post shared by Kellie Leigh, Founder #LOV3RZ (@lov3rz_magazine) on May 31, 2017 at 3:26pm PDT #LOV3RZ clean positive #Independent #Music #Magazine June #MusicLov3rz "Mighty" from Christian Rock artist Wally Ramirez, is a strong track about the power of God and the importance of inviting Him into your heart and into every circumstance in your life. Confessing your sins, letting Him in, praising Him and honoring Him in all you do. He will be featured in #LOV3RZ Magazine July - coming on June 15th!
#Review #MIGHTY Website http://www.wallyramirez.com/ Spotify https://open.spotify.com/ artist/3bBuDvDyuHG9f2CkAaiDxT Facebook https://m.facebook.com/ WallyRamirezMusic/ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ wally_ramirez/ Twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/ wally_ramirez #LOV3RZ Independent Magazine July 2017 By Kellie Leigh in #LOV3RZ Magazine 60 pages, published 6/15/...
*** 3x Award Nominated *** #MagazineOfTheYear *** Founder Kellie Leigh - 2x #InfluencerOfTheYear 2020 *** 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 *** Email submissions: lov3rzcommunity@gmail.com